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Te Hunga Whaipanga


manaaki whenua, manaaki whaanau

Te Raparahi Lands Trust is an Ahuwhenua Trust formed under the Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993. Under the Act, the Te Raparahi Lands Trust is the Management Structure that administers, amongst other lands, the Te Waotu South 17 block. The Trust also has a 50% share in Te Waotu South A1 Sec2 block.

The principal land holdings of the Te Raparahi Lands Trust are located on Wiltsdown Road, Te Waotu. The lands all fall within the jurisdictional boundary of the South Waikato District & Waikato Regional Council’s. However, the land falls under the Waiariki jurisdictional boundary of the Māori Land Court.

A recent purchase of a 92ha dairy unit on State Highway 1, just north of the Tokoroa Township in June 2011, has taken the pastoral area of the Trust to approximately 482ha.

Lands under Administration


Te Harore a Kapu Dairy Unit - 120.4ha

Dairy Farming, Te Waotu, South Waikato

Tokopuhi Dairy Unit - 109.3ha

Dairy Farming, Te Waotu, South Waikato

Matanuku Blocks - 115ha

Dairy Farming, SH1 Tokoroa, South Waikato

Materoa Unit - 48ha

Support Maize, Wintering, Te Waotu, South Waikato

Our Beneficial Owners

                               at a glance


The Trust has a large amount of beneficial owners (395). We administer the original lands, as well as new farms, units, and assets that we have accumulated over the years through our business strategy.

Within the register of owners are a large number of sub-trusts, therefore, inflating the number of people who associate to the land. It is important that owners or potential owners continue to succeed to the shares of their predecessors.

Succession is administered by the Māori Land Court and not the Trust. You can always contact the Māori Land Court to investigate whether you are eligible to inherit shares, or even to determine whether the person on a list is the person you are seeking.

List of Whānau Trusts named on the owners register

Amaara Kowhana Whānau Trust

Cecil Hihi Rikiti Whānau Trust

Douglas Neville & Delores Lucy Kingi Whānau Trust

Edison Te Kanae & Myra Wineera Whānau Trust

Haki David Thompson Whānau Trust

Kotukutuku Whānau Trust

Mere Tuteakau Whānau Trust x 2 instances

Mitai Kereti Simmonds Whānau Trust

Nepia Turner Whānau Trust

Okeroa Whānau Trust

Peni Dynasty Whānau Trust

Pompy Michael Whānau Trust

Rihi Tapuwae Tocker Whānau Trust

Ropoama Whānau Trust

Taiaroa Whānau Trust

Tangiwai Ngawhika Mohi Whānau Trust

Whānaupani Teimana Whānau Trust


Māori Trustee (administrator)

Nin Tatana Family Trust

Rosebud Trust

Te Hoatiki Trust

Quick Stats






Lands under Administration

approx: 482 ha (inc recently acquired units)


4 Responsible trustees, 2 advisory trustees

Subordinate trusts

18 whānau trusts, 3 'other' trusts, 1 instance of the Māori Trustee as adiministrator.

Our Whenua


Maintaining a strong relationship with our beneficial owners is imporatant to the Trust. If you are an owner, or if you are unsure, then browse throught our owner section. Here you can learn more about technical data regarding the two main land blocks, view a variety of maps, and much more.

 Te Raparahi Lands Trust | Putaruru | All Rights Reserved                                                                            

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