Our Trustees
manaaki whenua, manaaki whanau
Phillip Samuels
Ruthana Begbie
He hōnore he korōria ki te Runga Rawa, he maungārongo ki te whenua, he whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa. He mihi tuatahi ki te Atua nāna nei tātou katoa e manaaki. Ka mihi ki a Kīngi Tuheitia e noho ana i runga i te ahurewa tapu o ōna mātua tūpuna. Ka huri ki a koutou katoa kua wairuatia, haere, haere, haere atu rā. Kia tātou nei te mahuetanga iho, ngā mihi o te wa.
Over the last decade, the Trust has blossomed into a robust enterprise committed to sustainable and meaningful outcomes. Transparency, Accountability, Strategic Development, and Sustainability are some of the core values that underpin our organisation. We hope that with the establishment of our new website, our beneficial owners and key partners are able to learn more about the work of the Trust, its socio-economic goals, and cultural imperatives.
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Wharepuhunga te maunga
Ko Raukawa te iwi
Ko Ngāti Huri te hapū
Ko Pikitu te marae
Ko Kapu te tangata
He piko he taniwha, he piko he taniwha
Waikato taniwharau.....tihei mauriora!
Born at Pikitu Marae and raised in Te Waotu, Ruthana serves not only as a trustee, but also as the Trust secretary. Ruthana is well versed in the management of Māori Land, and is also a foundation trustee of the Te Hanga South Land Trust based at the foot of the Kaimai Ranges in Te Poi. She was also the initial administrator of the Te Waotu Lands Trust. Her technical experience, and local knowledge has proved invaluable to the Te Raparahi Lands Trust over her many years of dedicated service. Ruthana attended Putaruru High School and went on to complete three years at Hamilton Teachers College. She then returned to Putaruru & surrounding areas to teach before settling down to raise a family
Along with serving on the Trust, Ruthana plays an active role on her marae, within the local community & with the Raukawa Settlement Trust.
Hine Rauwhero
Responsible Trustee
Tanui Te Arawa Matatua O Nga waka
Ngāti Hinerangi, Raukawa, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngai Te Rangi
Nga Maunga teitei ko Weraiti
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Weraiti te maunga
Ko Māhina-a-rangi te awa
Ko Raukawa te iwi
Ko Ngāti Kirihika to hapu
Ko Te Omeka te marae